Monday, November 9, 2009

The Beginning

For the longest time I have thought about a blog...mostly it is just to store all the fun influences and things that I find on the internet. But fear not reader! I will also try and make if interesting and include my own art and experiences. I'm a maker of things. I really can't help it - it's a little compulsive condition I should probably seek treatment but I enjoy it too much.

Here is the an interesting thing that I have found today by Chris Dimino.

You can find him at his website.

Can't say that I would want it in my house, it's a little creepy and maybe insensitive, but I applaud the idea. I really like the way the ceramic tile is molded around the head, like it was fabric and not ceramic. I also like being able to put things in the eye sockets, STORAGE! It really reminds me of that episode of Torchwood (British Sci-Fi Comedy that my friend got me addicted to) with the little kid in a gas mask going "Mummy" - scary. Deffinately had a few nightmares about that one. The gas mask has actually showed up in my work before. On the back of my first embroidered baby doll, "Bombs".

It still continues to inspire - maybe I need to start working more gas masks back into my work? It is a very powerful and political image.

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